Friday, April 23, 2010

Oh the Joys of SOME reality TV!

So, being a mom and getting to stay at home a lot and watching Britain definitely has it's ups and downs. Sometimes she is so needy, which I understand, but sometimes I just want to vacuum..or maybe take a shower??!! haha. Having a baby definitely has rearranged my life, but definitely for the better to say the least! :-)

Let me tell you though, when I'm home and having to tend to her...guess what's on the TV, yeah, that's right, it's the BRAVO channel. haha. In fact I watch it so much that at times I feel like I know all the housewives and Top Chefs personally. lol. I might even be borderline obsessed, but I'm ok with it...and I don't think Britain minds yet. Let's just say I'm trying to get my fix of reality TV right now because before I know it she's going to be screaming to watch Barney and I'm going to want to push bamboo shoots up my fingernails! The giant purple dinosaur just doesn't do it for me, in fact I kind of want to punch him, but I will sacrifice for all you mommies know we do for our kids! It just comes Natural (oooo Good George Strait song)! :) suggestion for the day...don't knock it til you try it. As much as Nick would hate to say that he's watched reality tv with me...he has and before I know it he's hooked with me!

In fact, it becomes a sort of addiction, so may get hooked and then think you can make creme brulee out of ingredients from a 7-11. (great challenge on Top Chef). Just sayin...

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